AdriaTOPO is detailed, topographic, non-routable map for Garmin GPS devices. Map is covering three countries: Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Referential scale is M 1:25000. It is intended mainly for use in handheld units by people whose job or hobby is related with outdoor activities.
AdriaTOPO contains hydrographic data, landuse, national parks and parks of nature, protected areas and all other classified areas. It shows over 90% marked hiking trails, mountain shelters and many other data for orientation in open space and nature which will surely help many mountain and nature lovers. Map includes digital elevation model (DEM) which allows you to create and survey vertical alignment. Map also contains bathymetry with defined depths and rocks. The areas of protected regions in which users usually reside in outdoors were detail treated. 180 000 POI are easily searchable – sources, peaks, restaurants, gas stations, settlements or other. POI search can be made by name (or one of the words from the name), category or point distance from the current location.